Copa America 2019

More than 780 thousand people have already rocked with the CONMEBOL Copa América Brazil 2019

More than 780 thousand people have already rocked with the CONMEBOL Copa América Brazil 2019

July 5, 2019
CONMEBOL Copa América™
The CONMEBOL and the Local Organizing Committee made a positive evaluation of the tournament. The latin pop star, Anitta, will perform an unprecedented show with Puerto Rican star Pedro Capó in the final match on May 7th at Maracanã Stadium. CONMEBOL and the Local Organizing Committee of CONMEBOL Copa América Brazil 2019 draw up an appraisal of the competition and revealed some details of the Closing Ceremony on Friday, July 5th. The celebration will take place before the grand final between Brazil and Peru, this Sunday, July 7th, from 17h (Brasilia time), at the Maracanã Stadium. The ceremony will last 10 minutes, with more than 1,500 people involved, almost 400 people on stage. The show will begin at 4:35 p.m., with musical performances by Anitta and Puerto Rican Pedro Capó. Pedro will sing the song "Calma" featuring with the Brazilian singer. Then, she evokes her hit "Downtown" in an unprecedented duet with her co-worker. Musa da música latina, Anitta thanked him for the invitation and spoke of the joy of sharing the stage for the first time with Pedro Capó. "I was very happy with the invitation, I believe that entertainment, sport and music come together. The members of the sport talk a lot like in music, and this is very important. It is an honor to be part of this closing ceremony together with Pedro (Capó), an artist who has many fans throughout Latin America and we will love to share the stage. In this artistic world we meet many artists and we don't always have the chance to work together, and he was an artist that I had never had this opportunity. That's why I'm so happy it's finally happening, explained the Latin pop star. Positive outcome With just two games to finish - the third spot game and the final - CONMEBOL Copa América Brazil 2019 reaches its final stage with more than 780,000 people in the stadiums and an average of 32,678 people in the 24 matches played. "We had more than 780,000 people and we still have an expectation of adding another 100,000 in these two remaining matches. Talking about fans, we have people from 124 countries, which have brought us plenty of culture and a considerable increase in tourism in the country. We're coming to the end of the competition, there are only two matches left and it's already giving us a certain homesick. I want to thank CONMEBOL for the partnership, the five host cities that offered the best and embraced the competition with all their affection, the six stadiums that hosted the matches, giving us and offering us modern spaces, the 12 teams that competed in the tournament and, especially, the fans that so far attended the 24 matches. All this makes for a highly positive outcome", said Thiago Jannuzzi, general manager of the Local Organizing Committee of CONMEBOL Copa América Brazil 2019. According to Hugo Figueredo, CONMEBOL National Team Competitions manager, the result is not only positive, but the 46th edition of the tournament will serve as a parameter for the other editions. Among the positive points recorded so far, Figueredo highlighted the safety in all stadiums, which allowed to live the experience of continental football. "We went through the competition without any incident and it is important to have a positive balance in all games of the cup. We are making a competition that will serve as a parameter for the other editions" said the CONMEBOL National Team Competitions manager. Figueredo also thanked Brazil for its receptiveness, all the Brazilian institutions that facilitated the organization of the tournament, as well as the 12 teams and their fans who have been celebrating on and off the fields of the Copa America. About the Copa America The Copa America is the oldest national team tournament in the world.  It was played for the first time in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in June 1916. Some of the best and most recognized athletes in world s football are South Americans and will play in the 46th edition of the tournament, from June 14th to July 7th. In addition to the ten South American countries members of CONMEBOL (Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela), Japan and Qatar, members of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), participate as guests. There are nine FIFA World Cup titles together on the field. For more information: e-mail: Phone: +55 (51) 3056-3100. #RockingTheContinent Facebook: Instragram: @copaamerica Twitter: @copaamerica

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